Let us start with the most effective yoga poses to reduce tummy fat to achieve healthy weight management.
What Causes Tummy Fat?
Reasons for tummy fat include:
- Unhealthy food habits
- Lack of exercise
- Insomnia
- Consuming foods low in fiber
- Intake of foods low in protein
- Consuming foods high on sugar
- Menopause
- Hormone imbalances
- Ageing
- Stress
Family history can also be a contributing factor.
How Does Yoga Reduce Tummy Fat?
Yoga regulates functions of internal organs, calms the mind, improves overall function of the body and mind thereby aiding in making healthy changes externally.
Regular practice of yoga energizes the mind and body and proper functioning of internal organs, helps with absorption of nutrients, elimination of waste thereby optimizing digestive function.
Yoga regulates hormone function. By improving hormone function, it helps to reduce tummy fat caused due to hormone imbalances.
Yoga is a boon to women. It relieves menstrual pain, supports easy child birth and relieves physical and psychological symptoms associated with menopause. Practicing yoga poses regularly will help to prevent accumulation of excess fat in midsection during menopause.
Regular practice of yoga relieves cravings for junk food and encourages making healthy food choices.
As yoga relieves stress, stress induced tummy fat can be reduced.
Yoga Poses for Tummy Fat
While performing the below-mentioned yoga poses for tummy fat, never push hard. In case of difficulty in performing any of these poses you can use yoga blocks for support. With practice, you will experience positive changes.
1) Sun Salutation
Sun Salutation reduces tummy fat. Check the link below for step-by-step instructions.
2) Standing Forward Bend
Visit this page for Standing Forward Bend benefits and instructions.
3) Half-Wheel Pose
Visit this page for Half-Wheel Pose benefits and instructions.
4) Chair Pose
Visit this page for Chair Pose benefits and instructions.
5) Triangle Pose
Visit this page for Triangle Pose benefits and instructions.
6) Downward Facing Dog Pose
Visit this page for Downward Facing Dog Pose benefits and instructions.
7) Hand Under Foot Pose
Visit this page for Hand Under Foot Pose benefits and instructions.
8) Camel Pose
Visit this page for Camel Pose benefits and instructions.
9) Boat Pose
Visit this page for Boat Pose benefits and instructions.
10) Seated Forward Bend
Visit this page for Seated Forward Bend Pose benefits and instructions.
11) Cobra Pose
Visit this page for Cobra Pose benefits and instructions.
12) Bow Pose
Visit this page for Bow Pose benefits and instructions.
13) Bridge Pose
Visit this page for Bridge Pose benefits and instructions.
14) Wind Relieving Pose
Visit this page for Wind Relieving Pose benefits and instructions.
15) Shoulder Stand
Visit this page for Shoulder Stand benefits and instructions.
The above-mentioned yoga poses for belly fat become more effective with balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Rama Thamizharasu
Welcome to yogaaatral. I am a yoga therapist, SEO consultant, writer and translator. If you love pets, we invite you to visit our pet blog @ https://voiceofapet.blogspot.com/ and our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@PetsDiaryPages. We also welcome you to visit our YouTube channel on nature conservatism @ https://www.youtube.com/@letnaturelive1