Our lungs connect us with the universe. Every cell in our body needs oxygen to survive. Lungs inhale air and transports oxygen to the cells through blood and exhales carbon dioxide thereby maintaining the body in healthy state. Healthy lungs promote immune function.
How Does Yoga Strengthen the Lungs?
Certain yoga poses aid in contraction and expansion of lungs thereby improving lung function.
For lungs to function at its best, it is essential that heart function is optimal. Since certain yoga poses promote heart health, lung health is naturally ensured.
According to acupuncture, kidney issues can negatively impact lungs resulting in respiratory conditions. Hence, performing poses that support kidney health will aid in improving lung function.
Regular practice of yoga poses and pranayama helps to improve lung capacity.
Yoga Poses for Lung Health
The below-mentioned yoga poses strengthen the lungs, heart and kidneys and aid in relieving from respiratory conditions.
1) Lotus Pose
Visit this page for Lotus Pose benefits and instructions.
2) Half Wheel Pose
Visit this page for Half Wheel Pose benefits and instructions.
3) Standing Forward Bend
Visit this page for Standing Forward Bend benefits and instructions.
4) Triangle Pose
Visit this page for Triangle Pose benefits and instructions.
5) Gate Pose
Visit this page for Gate Pose benefits and instructions.
6) Upward Bow Pose
Visit this page for Upward Bow Pose benefits and instructions.
7) Virya Stambhan Pose
Visit this page for Virya Stambhan benefits and instructions.
8) Camel Pose
Visit this page for Camel Pose benefits and instructions.
9) Cat Pose
Visit this page for Cat Pose benefits and instructions.
Note: Performing Cow Pose along with Cat Pose as a sequence will provide optimum benefits. Practice as a sequence for 5 to 10 times.
10) Cow Pose
Visit this page for Cow Pose benefits and instructions.
11) Twisted Pose
Visit this page for Twisted Pose benefits and instructions.
12) Half Spinal Twist
Visit this page for Half Spinal Twist benefits and instructions.
13) Seated Forward Bend
Visit this page for Seated Forward Bend benefits and instructions.
14) Cobra Pose
Visit this page for Cobra Pose benefits and instructions.
15) Locust Pose
Visit this page for Locust Pose benefits and instructions.
16) Bow Pose
Visit this page for Bow Pose benefits and instructions.
17) Bridge Pose
Visit this page for Bridge Pose benefits and instructions.
18) Wind Relieving Pose
Visit this page for Wind Relieving Pose benefits and instructions.
19) Shoulder Stand
Visit this page for Shoulder Stand benefits and instructions.
20) Plough Pose
Visit this page for Plough Pose benefits and instructions.
21) Fish Pose
Visit this page for Fish Pose benefits and instructions.
22) Legs Up the Wall Pose
Visit this page for Legs Up the Wall Pose benefits and instructions.
23) Rest Pose
Visit this page for Rest Pose benefits and instructions.
Performing the above-mentioned yoga poses will aid in relieving respiratory conditions and also strengthen lungs. Never push hard to achieve a pose to perfection. You can also use yoga blocks to support you while performing the poses.
Rama Thamizharasu
Welcome to yogaaatral. I am a yoga therapist, SEO consultant, writer and translator. If you love pets, we invite you to visit our pet blog @ https://voiceofapet.blogspot.com/ and our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@PetsDiaryPages. We also welcome you to visit our YouTube channel on nature conservatism @ https://www.youtube.com/@letnaturelive1
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