Yoga Pose for Day 84 - Half Plough Pose (Ardha Halasana)
Half Plough Pose is called Ardha Halasana in Sanskrit. 'Ardha' means 'half' and 'hala' means 'plough'. It is named thus due its similarity in appearance to half plough.
Half Plough Pose is called Ardha Halasana in Sanskrit. 'Ardha' means 'half' and 'hala' means 'plough'. It is named thus due its similarity in appearance to half plough.
‘Nava’ in Sanskrit means ‘boat’. Since the pose resembles the shape of a boat, it is named thus. Just as a boat maintains balance on water, the pose helps to maintain body’s balance. This is achieved by the stimulation of Solar Plexus chakra and Sacral chakra. Proper functioning of these two chakras promotes self-esteem, self-confidence and determination. These traits
‘Ardha’ in Sanskrit means ‘half’, ‘matsya’ means ‘fish’, ‘indira’ means ‘king’ and hence, the pose is called Half Lord of the Fishes Pose and also is referred to as Half Spinal Twist named after the twist involved in the pose. It is also believed that the pose is named after a yogi called Matsyendrar.
Bow Pose can be performed as a counter pose for Cow Pose. The pose is performed lying down. It strengthens the spine and improves spine flexibility.
Seated Forward Bend can be performed as a counter pose for both Cobra Pose and Sphinx Pose. ‘Paschima’ in Sanskrit means ‘west’ and ‘uttana’ means ‘intensive stretching’ - stretching the back of the body, that is bending the front part of the body in a seated position. In this pose, the backside of the body, in particular the spine, is stretched forward. This stimulates
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