Just like every nature lover, I am always enchanted by the skies. Except for the times when the sun is unforgiving, I never return from terrace without spending a few minutes sky-gazing every day. How much do I love watching skies - before sunrise, when the sun rises on the horizon, when the passing clouds travel beneath the afternoon sun giving us a breather to look at the skies, when sun begins its descent , in moonlight, when dark clouds signal the possible arrival of rain, when white clouds decorate the sky, when blue skies display magical moments, just almost everything the sky has to display, I am happy to watch.
Here are some blue sky moments:
You would have had your share of all these moments and even more glorious moments. Sure, sunrise and sunsets would have found an inevitable place in your list.
Have you realized how stress-free you become when you watch sunrise and sunset? Yes, this is one of the amazing benefits of the earth's daily routine.
Benefits of Rising Before Sunrise
First things first - to watch sunrise you naturally have to be up early in the morning; which means you stand to gain more benefits. Getting up before sunrise gives you an edge in time management.
Those who have not been able to exercise for lack of time, can now include exercising in their schedule.
Rising early gives you more time and hence you can complete all work that you kept postponing owing to lack of time.
To rise early in the morning, you need to hit the sack early. This gives your body and mind the rest they deserve, which means you gain optimal health.
Those who love those extra hours in bed in the morning need to consider that they will have to be making stressful attempts throughout the day to make up for the time lost in sleep indulgence in the morning. This leads to work pressure, stress, late nights or postponing of work adding to next day's workload to name just a few tough situations associated with rising late. Getting up before sunrise makes your day highly productive.
Benefits of Watching Sunrise
- Rejuvenates the body and mind
- Every dawn brings fresh hopes and prepares you to face the day's challenges with renewed confidence.
- Studies have proved that sunrise and sunset rays positively impact circadian rhythm, which governs our sleep-wake cycle. Lack of sleep affects circadian rhythm and this can lead to various biological disorders including low immune power, heart conditions, reproductive disorders just to name a few. Healthy circadian rhythms promote physical and mental well-being. (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/02/200220141731.htm)
A recent sunrise event viewed from our terrace:
The start in itself was a strong announcement to expect photo-worthy moments.
After waiting for a few moments:
After further few moments:
After all the vibrant display, the sun slowly began its ascend:
Benefits of Watching Sunset
- Relieves stress accumulated during the day and relaxes the mind
- Assessing the day's events and planning for a productive tomorrow fills the mind with positivity
- Negativities experienced during the day including failure, anger, sadness disappear as the mind blends with nature.
- As mentioned above, viewing sunrise and sunset ensures healthy circadian rhythms and supports physical and mental health.
Sunset can also weigh one down. Those who are unsure of what tomorrow holds for them and get ready to face the next day with a feeling of fear and expectation, tend to reflect on today's unsuccessful moments when the sun disappears down the horizon leaving the unsure minds in darkness. However, the fact that a sunset is inevitably followed by sunrise will make one feel that a sunset signals the arrival of sunrise and along with it fresh hopes and new beginning.
All these apart, every moment we witness sunrise and sunset, we will keep realizing that we are just a very insignificant part of the vast universe and even those who consider themselves all-powerful are just as insignificant if not more when compared to the powers of nature. This constant realization will promote humility and calmness; it will also make us grateful to nature for all the gifts we have been bestowed with by the universe. It will also make us socially responsible so we can handover a better and safe world to the future generation.
Sunsets captured recently from a hill station:
Until dawn
Sunrise and sunsets are poetic and promote happiness and hope regardless of from where you view them - be it a park or a terrace or a beach or a hilly region.
Here is a roadside sunrise
Countless number of times, sunsets viewed from terrace have been captivating:
Emotional bonding with sun can make you get involved with sunrise and sunsets at an incredible level; you get playful and your imagination keeps expanding; you will also learn the art of patience as you patiently wait to capture the right moments.
Here is something for you - 'bird' sucking the sun:
Nature is a wonderful remedy. Blending with nature can be among the best gifts you can give yourself. Stroll or go for a brisk walk in the neighborhood parks. Or unwind yourself in your terrace watching these joyous sights that are more than a feast to your senses.
Rama Thamizharasu
Welcome to yogaaatral. I am a yoga therapist, SEO consultant, writer and translator. If you love pets, we invite you to visit our pet blog @ https://voiceofapet.blogspot.com/ and our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@PetsDiaryPages. We also welcome you to visit our YouTube channel on nature conservatism @ https://www.youtube.com/@letnaturelive1