The yoga pose for Day 2 is Standing Forward Bend, which is called Uthanasana in Sanskrit. Yoga poses are basically categorized into standing poses, seated poses and lying poses. All the three categories consist of forward bends, backward bends and side bends. Let us have a look at the benefits of Standing Forward Bend today.
‘Uth’ in Sanskrit meanis ‘powerful’, ‘thaan’ means ‘stretching’ – that is, powerful stretching.
The very name highlights the important effect the pose has on the body. Practicing Standing Forward Bend, strengthens the entire back of the body. Starting from the feet, it works its way up to the center of the head down to eyebrow center. Hence, Standing Forward Bend is considered a powerful pose.
Other Benefits of Standing Forward Bend
- Standing Forward Bend stretches the whole body
- It boosts blood flow to brain
- The pose energizes the shoulders
- It is one of the most effective yoga poses for neck pain
- It is also an effective yoga pose for sciatica
- Stand straight.
- Inhale slowly as you lift your hands over your head.
- Exhale as you bend forward and place your palms on the floor by the sides of your feet.
- Place your forehead on your knees or further down the leg.
- Hold the pose for 20 seconds.
Those with high blood pressure and severe eye conditions should refrain from practicing Standing Forward Bend.
Those who are unable to reach for the floor can place their hands on lower legs. This pose is called Urdhva Uthanasana in Sanskrit.
In case of difficulty in holding the legs, you can keep your arms stretched out in front of you with your back in a straight line.
Yoga Pose for Day 4 – Hand Under Foot Pose (Padahastasana)
The term ‘pada’ in Sanskrit means ‘leg’, ‘asta’ means ‘hand’. Padahastasana means binding of hands and legs. Apart from the general benefits associated with forward bending, Hand Under Foot Pose has
Yoga Pose for Day 3 – Big Toe Pose (Padangustasana)
பாதம் என்றால் கால். அங்குஸ்தா என்றால் கட்டை விரல். முன் குனிந்து கால் கட்டை விரல்களைப் பிடித்து வளைவது என்று இதற்குப் பொருள். பாதாங்குஸ்தாசனம் Big Toe Pose என்று ஆங்கிலத்தில் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது. ஏற்கனவே
Yoga Pose for Day 1 – Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
One of the best poses for meditation, Lotus Pose gets its name from the shape the body acquires while in the pose. Lotus Pose is called ‘Padmasanam’ in Sanskrit. ‘Padma’ means ‘Lotus’ and ‘asanam’ means ‘posture’. In Lotus Pose, the folded legs resemble the petals of lotus and hence the name. However,
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புத்துணர்ச்சி ஏற்பட்டது! நன்றி!
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