Standing Bow Pose can be performed as a counter pose to Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose. ‘Nindra’ in Sanskrit means ‘standing’ and ‘dhanur’ means ‘bow’. Bow Pose can be performed in prone state or in standing state. The pose offers amazing benefits. The pose supports blood circulation, strengthens the nerves and rejuvenates the cells thereby promoting youthful appearance. Sure, it is stunning. But just a bit of science to give a better picture.
Imagine a bow. The ability of the bow to shoot depends on the stick’s tightness as it bends. The speed of the arrow is determined by the bow. The stick out of which the bow is made of can be equated to the spinal cord in humans. This stick sends energy to all organs. The energy is arrow. For the arrow to reach its destination precisely, bow should be strong, that is our spinal cord should be strong. According to science, the straightening of spine from its lying position is the reason behind evolution of social animal with a sixth sense. Hence, for optimum benefits, spine should be stretched in opposite direction.
Standing Bow Pose can help achieve this. The pose causes your spine to bend backwards. This results in energizing the spinal cord thereby energizing and stimulating all organs and supports healthy flow of life energy.
Let us have a look at other benefits of Standing Bow Pose
Visit this page for Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose benefits.
Other Benefits of Standing Bow Pose
Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, Standing Bow Pose is also effective for:
- The pose strengthens hip muscles.
- It boosts lung function.
- It is an effective yoga pose for heart health.
- The pose relieves tightness in neck and shoulders.
- It stimulates functions of abdominal organs..
- Standing Bow Pose relieves indigestion.
- It is an effective yoga pose for back pain.
- The pose strengthens kidneys.
Let us see how to do Standing Bow Pose.
- Stand straight keeping your feet about one to one and half feet apart from each other.
- Place your hands behind your back.
- Inhale as you bend backwards.
- Place the hands under the knees on calves or further down.
- Hold the pose for 20 seconds. Exhale as you return to position.
Those with severe conditions in neck, shoulders, hips and back should refrain from practicing the pose.

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