Sphinx Pose can be performed as a counter pose to Child Pose. Just like Child Pose is a baby’s lying position, Sphinx Pose resembles a baby holding the weight of its upper body in both hands while lying. The term ‘salambha’ in Sanskrit means ‘support’, ‘bhujanga’ means ‘snake’. This is generally considered as a half striking pose of a snake.
However, a prone child moves around in this position only. Pressing the upper arms, a baby pushes its way around using the chest in the initial stages of moving. This pose helps the baby to sit on knees and walk as the baby grows.
Benefits of Sphinx Pose
- Practicing Sphinx Pose helps to strengthen the spine and shoulders.
- The pose strengthens the nervous system.
- It tones the shoulders.
- Sphinx Pose boosts lung function.
- It strengthens the hips.
- The pose stimulates functions of digestive system.
- The pose relieves stress.
Let us now see how to do Sphinx Pose.
- Lie face down on the mat.
- Fold your arms and place your forearms on the floor with the elbows closer to your chest. Your forearms should be parallel to each other.
- Inhale as you lift your head and chest. Now your elbows will be aligned to your shoulders.
- Look straight.
- Hold the pose for 20 seconds.
Those with severe spine conditions should refrain from practicing the pose. Though the pose strengthens the shoulders, it is not recommended in case of severe pain in shoulders and elbows.
Those with neck pain can tuck in their chin. In case of difficulty in placing the elbows on floor, place a folded blanket under elbows.

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