In our earlier posts, we had covered the benefits and how-to-do of Hand-to-Big Toe Pose and Extended Hand-to-Big Toe Pose. The pose for today is Reclining Hand-to-Big Toe Pose, which is also referred to as Supine Hand-to-Big Toe Pose The pose is called Supta Padangustasana in Sanskrit.
Reclining Hand-to-Big Toe Pose stimulates muladhara and svadhittana chakras. This helps to promote stability and creativity. As mentioned in the post on Big Toe Pose, this pose also helps to regulate liver and spleen channels thereby protecting liver and spleen health.
Other Benefits of Reclining Hand-to-Big Toe Pose
- Strengthens back muscles
- Relieves low back pain
- Strengthens shoulders and hands
- Promotes flexibility of hips
- Promotes functions of abdominal organs
- It is an effective yoga pose for constipation.
- Improves flexibility of legs and also stretches legs
- Strengthens leg muscles
- Relieves knee pain and strengthens leg joints
- The pose helps to relieve sciatic pain.
- Helps to cure infertility
- Lie down on your back.
- Exhale as you bend your right leg so your right knee gets closer to your chest.
- Hold the big toe of right leg with your right hand.
- Inhale as you stretch your right leg upwards. The foot should be facing the ceiling. Buttock and hips should be on the ground.
- Hold the pose for 20 seconds.
- Exhale as you fold your right leg and stretch to the floor to release the pose.
- Repeat the same with your left leg.
In case of difficulty in holding your bit toe, curl a yoga belt around the raised foot and hold the same.
Those with high blood pressure can place a folded blanket under the head and neck.
In case of severe problems in shoulders, hips and legs, perform the pose without pushing hard.

Yoga Pose for Day 86 - Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
Locust Pose is one of the excellent prone yoga poses for beginners that offers amazing health benefits. The pose is also called Salabhasana in Sanskrit, 'Salabha' means 'locust'. The pose is also referred to as Grasshopper Pose in English.

Yoga Pose for Day 84 - Half Plough Pose (Ardha Halasana)
Half Plough Pose is called Ardha Halasana in Sanskrit. 'Ardha' means 'half' and 'hala' means 'plough'. It is named thus due its similarity in appearance to half plough.

Yoga Pose for Day 83 - One-Legged Bridge Pose (Eka Pada Setubandhasana)
Yesterday's pose was about Bridge Pose. Today's pose is about One-Legged Bridge Pose. One of the effective yoga poses for thyroid conditions...