Hope you read our earlier post on Yoga Poses for Neck Pain. Practicing mudras is yet another effective way of curing neck pain. The post covers some of the most effective mudras for neck pain.
How Do Mudras Relieve Neck Pain?
Certain mudras relieve tightness of neck, strengthen neck, shoulders and muscles of upper back thereby relieving the practitioner of neck pain. Mudras for spine health also aid in relieving neck pain.
Mudras for Neck Pain
Some of the best hand mudras for neck pain include:
1) Brahma Mudra
- Assume Lotus Pose, Easy Pose or Thunderbolt Pose.
- Place your palms on your thighs.
- Fold your thumb so the tip of the thumb touches the base of little finger.
- Fold the remaining fingers over the thumb just as you would form a fist.
- Bring the folded fingers of both hands together so the knuckles touch. Apply slight pressure.
- Hold Brahma Mudra for 15 to 20 minutes.
2) Prithvi Mudra
- Assume Lotus Pose, Thunderbolt Pose or Easy Pose.
- Bring the tips of ring finger and thumb together.
- Keep the remaining fingers stretched.
- Perform the mudra in both hands.
- Perform the mudra for 30 to 45 minutes.
3) Prana Mudra
- Keep your back and neck straight. Assume Lotus Pose or Thunderbolt Pose. You can also assume Easy Pose.
- Stretch your fingers.
- Bring the tips of your ring finger, little finger and thumb.
- Keep the remaining fingers stretched.
- Close your eyes and focus on the Mudra.
- Maintain normal breathing.
- Prana Mudra can be performed for 45 minutes a day. This can be performed for 15 minutes in a session for three sessions.
4) Vayu Mudra
- Assume Lotus Pose / Thunderbolt Pose / Easy Pose.
- Place the tip of the index finger on the base of the thumb.
- Fold your thumb and place it on the index finger.
- Keep the remaining fingers stretched.
- Hold the mudra for 30 to 45 minutes.
5) Anjali Mudra
- Assume Lotus Pose, Thunderbolt Pose or Easy Pose.
- Bring the palms together closer to your chest, the seat of heart chakra.
- Place the palms against each other as in salutation. The elbows should be aligned to each other in a line.
- Hold the mudra for few minutes.
6) Shunya Vayu Mudra
- Assume Lotus Pose, Easy Pose or Thunderbolt Pose.
- Fold your index and middle fingers so the tips touch the base of the thumb.
- Place your thumb over the folded fingers.
- Keep the ring finger and little finger stretched.
- Shunya Vayu Mudra can be performed for 15 minutes if practiced for general well-being. If it is practiced as a therapy for a particular ailment, the mudra can be held for 45 minutes.
Regular practice of the above-mentioned hand mudras for neck pain will help to relieve neck pain and strengthen the neck muscles.

Rama Thamizharasu
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