Heart Chakra is the fourth of eight major chakras (To check the post on Chakras are Eight - Not Seven, visit this page) in the human body. Heart Chakra is called as Anahata Chakra in Sanskrit. 'Anahata' means 'unstruck', suggesting 'unstruck sound'.
Location: Center of the chest
Colour: Green
Sound: yam
Associated Element: Air
Associated sense: Sight
Heart Chakra connects the lower chakras namely, Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra with the higher chakras namely Throat Chakra, Guru Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra. Heart Chakra helps to transition from the state of being attached to materialistic life to becoming a nobler soul where the mind is filled with love and compassion and the quality to treat everyone as one treats self is achieved. Effective functioning of Heart Chakra helps you to create a lasting bond with the society and enjoy the immense beauty the world has to offer.
Table of Contents
Properties of Heart Chakra and its Associated Organs
To love self and others, empathy and forgiveness are the traits governed by Heart Chakra. Caring for others and being compassionate are also associated with proper functioning of Heart Chakra.
Being able to love unconditionally is a bliss; and to achieve this state of mind, your Heart Chakra should perform at its best. Proper functioning of Heart Chakra also helps you to maintain healthy relationship with others, practice acceptance and adaptability.
To forgive others and yourself for the mistakes committed, to be surrounded by love, to lead a happy and contented life and to live in harmony with the world around you, you need to have a perfectly functioning Heart Chakra.
Heart Chakra governs heart, lungs, blood circulation and thymus gland.
Benefits of Activating Heart Chakra
Given below are the most important qualities associated with proper functioning of Heart Chakra. Acquiring these qualities can be the best benefits of Heart Chakra.
- Selfless love
- Harmony
- Compassion
- Sympathy
- Forgiveness
- Gentle towards others
- Harmony with nature
- Peace of mind
- Trust in others and in life
When your Heart Chakra functions at its best your heart is filled with love for fellow beings which makes you surrounded by love in return. Mutual love and trust make the world a beautiful place and make you enjoy life. Unconditional love elevates your state of mind and fills your life with love and happiness.
Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Blocked Heart Chakra
Mentioned below are the signs of overactive and underactive Heart Chakra:
Physical Symptoms
- Heart conditions
- Respiratory conditions
- Chest pain
- Irregular blood pressure levels
- Poor blood circulation
- Upper back problems
- Shoulder problems
- Low immunity
- Insomnia
Psychological Symptoms
- Enmity
- Jealousy
- Anger
- Mistrust
- Inability to love and accept love
- Sadness
- Revengeful
- Being critical of others
- Feeling insecure
- Unforgiving
- Stress
- Feeling isolated
- Exercising extreme control over others
- Emotional instability
How to Unblock Heart Chakra
- Yoga poses to Stimulate Heart Chakra
- Essential oils
- Self-affirmation
- Diet
- Common rules
Yoga poses to Stimulate Heart Chakra
Perform the below-mentioned yoga poses to unblock Heart Chakra:
2) Dolphin Pose
4) Wheel Pose
6) Downward Facing Pigeon Pose
7) One-Legged King Pigeon Pose
9) Camel Pose
10) Cobra Pose
11) King Cobra Pose
12) Locust Pose
13) Bridge Pose
15) Four-Footed Pose
16) Plough Pose
17) Fish Pose
With regular practice of the above-mentioned yoga poses you will experience an activated Heart Chakra.
Essential Oils for Heart Chakra
You can use one of the below-mentioned essential oils for unblocking and activating your Heart Chakra.
- Bergamot essential oil
- Cedarwood essential oil
- Cypress essential oil
- Geranium essential oil
- Jasmine essential oil
- Lavender essential oil
- Neroli essential oil
- Palmarossa essential oil
- Rosemary essential oil
- Sandalwood essential oil
- Spikenard essential oil
- Sweet marjoram essential oil
- Sweet orange essential oil
- Ylang Ylang essential oil
Dilute essential oil by adding carrier oil to it and using a diffuser let the aroma spread in your room. You can also massage the blend of essential oil and carrier oil on the location of Heart Chakra or on your feet.
Various researches have proved the benefits of self-affirmation. Repeating self-affirmations with belief will help to achieve all your goals.
Self-affirmations for Heart Chakra
- I love myself
- I love all those around me
- I am kind to all living beings
- I am loved
- I forgive the mistakes of mine and that of others
- I am perfectly at harmony with all
- I always choose love
- My mind is filled with happiness
- I am peaceful
You can create your own self-affirmations. We will have a detailed post on this in the coming days.
Diet for Heart Chakra
Include at least one of the below-mentioned foods in your diet for optimal functioning of Heart Chakra:
- Greens
- Cucumber
- Green peas
- Lime
- Capsicum
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Coriander
- Mint
- Tulsi
- Broccoli
- Green apple
- Guava
- Kiwi fruit
- Spirulina
- Green tea
Common Rules to Activate Heart Chakra
Heart Chakra can be activated by following the simple suggestions given below:
- Have a hearty laugh. Share your happiness with others; likewise express your happiness when those around you share their happiness.
- Love wholeheartedly. Accept others love wholeheartedly.
- Forgive others' mistakes; seek forgiveness for yours
- Perform a kind deed or have a kind conversation.
- Never misuse others. Express gratitude even for the smallest help offered.
- Spend sometime in nature everyday where there is greenery everywhere; be it your garden or a park nearby. Go on tour to enjoy lush green whenever possible.
- Place green colored objects at home so you can see them often. Grow some green indoor plants.
- Perform Heart Chakra meditation.

Rama Thamizharasu
Welcome to yogaaatral. I am a yoga therapist, SEO consultant, writer and translator. If you love pets, we invite you to visit our pet blog @ https://voiceofapet.blogspot.com/ and our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@PetsDiaryPages. We also welcome you to visit our YouTube channel on nature conservatism @ https://www.youtube.com/@letnaturelive1

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