Health Benefits of Liquorice Root

One of the must-have herbs in the kitchen cabinet if you have children at home, is liquorice root. The amazing health benefits of liquorice have been appreciated and effectively used by cultures across the world for centuries. Research has proved the efficacy of liquorice root in treating various health conditions.

Properties of Liquorice Root

Studies conducted on the healing properties of liquorice root have proved the herb's medicinal properties. 

The properties of liquorice root include:

  • Antioxidant (prevents negative impacts on cells, protein and DNA)
  • Anti-inflammatory (reduces swelling and pain)
  • Antiviral (destroys and prevents virus)
  • Antimicrobial (destroys and prevents bacteria, virus and fungi)
  • Antibacterial (destroys and prevents bacteria)
  • Immunomodulatory (regulates immune system)
  • Antiulcer (prevents ulcer)
  • Anti-allergy (cures allergy)
  • Anticancer (prevents cancer)
  • Antidepressant (relieves and prevents stress)
Medicinal Properties of Liquorice Root
  • Relieves cold
  • Liquorice root is an effective home remedy for respiratory conditions including asthma
  • A study has proven that liquorice is effective in reducing the intensity of postoperative sore throat (POST). Gargling liquorice root water five minutes before being anesthetized helps to reduce severity of POST.
  • Improves digestion
  • It is an effective yoga pose for constipation.
  • Helps to heal skin conditions including eczema naturally
  • Out of the many benefits of acalypha indica, it's efficacy in curing stomach ulcer is lesser known.
  • Cures menstrual cramps
  • It is also effective in curing menopausal pain and discomfort during this phase.
  • It is an effective yoga pose for insomnia
  • The herb helps to reduce excess fat in the body.
  • Studies have proven that liquorice root is effecive in preventing cancer.
  • Various studies on liquorice have proved its ability to boost immunity.
  • Improves liver function
  • Helps to cure allergy
  • Supports hair growth
  • According to a study, liquorice root cures and prevents dental conditions including tooth decay.
  • The pose relieves stress.
How to Use Liquorice Root?

Here are some of the most effective ways in which you can use liquorice.

For cold and cough: Add a couple of liquorice twigs to a glass of water and bring it to boil. Simmer for a couple of minutes. Remove from heat, strain and drink. You may add some honey if needed.

Chewing liquorice twig also helps to relieve cough.

For sore throat: Prepare extraction of liquorice root as mentioned above and gargle it for relief from sore throat.

For skin conditions: Add some water to liquorice powder and form a paste. Apply the paste on the affected areas. Rinse with water after half an hour.

For removing skin tan: Take required quantity of liquorice powder, add some sandalwood powder or honey and mix well. Apply this paste on face, hands and feet. Rinse after half an hour. You can also add lemon juice and curd with liquorice powder.

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For hair growth: Add some curd to liquorice root powder and blend well. Add a few drops of coconut oil or olive oil to this paste and apply it on the scalp and hair. Massage for a few minutes. Rinse your hair with water after half an hour. Doing this twice a week will help to improve hair health and hair growth.


While liquorice root is loaded with health benefits, it is highly recommended to stick to the dosage instructions given by your physician. Having liquorice root in excess may cause fatigue, headache and high blood pressure.

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Rama Thamizharasu

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