The stretching of hamstrings when you perform a forward bend is relaxed while practicing Half-Wheel Pose. The pose also stretches the muscles on the front sides of the legs, boosts blood circulation and strengthens the legs. Bending of upper part of the body stretches the central part of the body from genitals to the crown of the head. This is better experienced while doing Wheel Pose. This results in stimulation of ductless glands thereby optimizing their functions. This is one of the best benefits of Half-Wheel Pose and Wheel Pose. The pose supports healthy function of glands that aid in reproduction.
Visit this page for Big Toe Pose benefits and instructions on how to do Big Toe Pose.
Other Benefits of Half Wheel Pose
Apart from the benefits mentioned above, regular practice of Half Wheel Pose helps to:
- Half Wheel Pose strengthen lungs.
- The pose boosts heart function.
- It cures digestive disorders.
- Half Wheel Pose relieves back pain and improves flexibility.
- It is an effective yoga pose for hip fat.
- Practicing the pose regularly will help to relieve menstrual disorders.
Let us see how to do Half Wheel Pose.
- Stand on the mat with your feet close to each other.
- Place your hands on your hips, with the thumbs at the back and the remaining four fingers on the front.
- Inhale as you slowly bend backwards.
- Hold the pose for 20 seconds in normal breathing.
Those with ulcer, high blood pressure, hernia and chronic pain in neck, back and hips should refrain from practicing the pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 10 - Standing Bow Pose
Standing Backbend Bow Pose, which can be performed as a counter pose to Wide-Legged Forward Bend ‘Nindra’ in Sanskrit means ‘standing’ and ‘dhanur’ means ‘bow’. Bow Pose can be performed in prone state or in standing state. The pose offers amazing benefits.

Yoga Pose for Day 9 – Arc of the Moon Pose (Pirai Asana)
Today’s back bending posture is Arc of the Moon Pose. While performing the pose, the shape of the body resembles moon’s arc. ‘Pirai’ in Sanskit means ‘Arc of the moon’. The posture strengthens the hips and tones it. It is an effective counter pose for Hand to Feet Pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 7 – Upward Salutation Pose (Urdhva Namaskarasana)
Upward Salutation Pose is a counter pose for Standing Forward Bend Pose. The term ‘Urdhva’ means ‘upward’, ‘namaskara’ means ‘salutation’. This pose is performed by lifting of hands upwards while bending backwards. In forward bends, the front side of the hip is locked as blood circulation increases at the back body. In a backbend,