In one of our earlier posts, we had covered the benefits of Half Wheel Pose. The pose for today will be Half Waist Wheel Pose, which is called Ardha Kati Chakrasana in Sanskrit. 'Ardha' means 'half', 'kati' means 'waist'. Since the pose involves bending sideways it is called as Half Waist Wheel Pose.
Half Waist Wheel Pose strengthens the hips and reduces excess fat in hips. The pose stimulates muladhara and manipura chakras. Stimulation of muladhara chakra aids in healthy functioning of all other chakras. Manipura attracts universal force, improves self-respect and self confidence.
Other Benefits of Half Waist Wheel Pose
- Since the spine is bent laterally, the pose improves spine flexibility
- It strengthens lungs.
- The pose promotes flexibility of hips.
- Lower abdomen gets strengthened.
- The pose improves liver function.
- Stand straight on the mat.
- Inhale as you lift your right hand over your head.
- Exhale as you bend towards your left. As you bend sideways bring the lifted right hand closer to your right ear. Right hand fingers should be pointed towards the left side.
- Look straight.
- Hold the pose for 20 seconds. Return to standing position. Repeat the same steps lifting your left hand and bending towards your right side.
Those with severe spine conditions and hip issues should refrain from practicing the pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 53 - Half Triangle Pose (Ardha Trikonasana)
Half Triangle Pose - This pose is one of the easiest side bends that prepares your body for middle level side bending poses including Triangle Pose and deep side bends.

Yoga Pose for Day 51 - Half Prayer Twist Pose (Ardha Namaskar Parsva Konasana)
In Sanskrit, 'ardha' means 'half', 'namaskar' means 'salutation', 'parsva' means 'side and 'kona' means 'angle'. This, in short, is Half Prayer Twist Pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 50 - Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
Chair Pose is the complete version of Half Chair Pose, which we covered yesterday. As mentioned earlier, 'utkata' in Sanskrit means 'intense' and 'powerful'. Practicing Chair Pose in its complete form will give you first hand experience of the meaning of the pose.