Half Triangle Pose - This pose is one of the easiest side bends that prepares your body for middle level side bending poses including Triangle Pose and deep side bends.
Benefits of Half Triangle Pose
- Since the spine is bent laterally, the pose improves spine flexibility
- It is an effective yoga pose for back pain.
- Arms get strengthened.
- The pose improves hip flexibility.
- It stretches the legs.
- Assume Mountain Pose.
- Place your feet apart maintaining a gap of one and a half to two feet between your legs.
- Inhale as you lift your hands sideways up to shoulder level. Keep your palms facing downwards.
- Turn your right foot at an angle of 90 degrees towards your right.
- With slow exhalation, bend your body sideways towards your right.
- Place your right palm on the knee or slightly down the leg.
- Lift your left arm upwards. The arm should be aligned to your shoulders with the fingers pointing upwards.
- Turn your head upwards and fix your gaze on the left hand thumb.
- Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Release the pose and repeat the same on the left side. Gradually increase the duration to one minute.
Those with severe spine conditions should refrain from practicing the pose.
Those with neck pain can look straight while practicing the pose. Those with high blood pressure should look downwards while in the pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 54 - Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
Triangle Pose is called Trikonasana in Sanskrit. 'Tri' in Sanskrit means 'three', 'kona' means 'angle'. The formation of three triangles in this pose may have been the reason behind the name of the pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 52 - Half Waist Wheel Pose (Ardha Kati Chakrasana)
In one of our earlier posts, we had covered the benefits of Half Wheel Pose. The pose for today will be Half Waist Wheel Pose, which is called Ardha Kati Chakrasana in Sanskrit. 'Ardha' means 'half', 'kati' means 'waist'.

Yoga Pose for Day 51 - Half Prayer Twist Pose (Ardha Namaskar Parsva Konasana)
In Sanskrit, 'ardha' means 'half', 'namaskar' means 'salutation', 'parsva' means 'side and 'kona' means 'angle'. This, in short, is Half Prayer Twist Pose.