Balanced diet, quality sleep and exercise are essential to lead a healthy life. Siddhars of Tamilnadu who lived thousands of years ago mention that constipation and indigestion are root causes of all diseases including mental stress. Hence preventing constipation and indigestion become all the more important. This page will be about various exercises and their benefits.
Benefits of Walking
Every alternate day when we set out for our morning walk, our minds invariably race to the times when walking was not just an exercise but very much an integral part of life. Right from attending schools and colleges to going to workplace and shops, people mostly...
Easy Ways to Make Your Outdoor Walking Interesting and Rewarding
A morning walk outdoors offers more than physical benefits. You come across a wide variety of people and are never deprived of interesting moments if you care to look ...
Amazing Benefits of Eight Walking aka Infinity Walking
Ever since online classes became the order of the day, children are engaged in a whole lot of physical activities, which in a way is soul-soothing. A decade or two ago, children had all the time to engage in physical activities after ...

The Benefits I Experienced After Reverse Walking for A Week
Reverse walking may seem strange to hear about initially but learning about reverse walking benefits will make you take your steps backwards. It is believed that 100 steps of reverse walking can equal 1000 steps of forward walking, that is, conventional walking. Though...
Amazing Health Benefits of Hill Walking
Walking, as an exercise, offers loads of health benefits. Some neighborhoods have topographic advantage offering their residents various types of surfaces to walk including the opportunity to climb hills.
Health Benefits of Walking Barefoot on Sand
Walking barefoot has been proven to offer wide range of health benefits including cardiovascular health and brain health. Studies have been conducted on the benefits of walking barefoot on sand and it has been found ...
10 Best Yoga Poses for Runners
The versatility of yoga is such that it complements any form of exercise and maximizes performance and enhances the benefits...
Health Hazards of Prolonged Sitting
Various studies have been conducted on the health hazards of prolonged sitting. Sitting for long hours for work has become a very common scenario. Ever since corona caused ...