Amazing Benefits of Eight Walking aka Infinity Walking

Ever since online classes became the order of the day, children are engaged in a whole lot of physical activities, which in a way is soul-soothing. A decade or two ago, children had all the time to engage in physical activities after returning from school. Recent years witness a whole new school-going experience where it is mostly all work and no play. It is a competitive world, right? No wonder online classes have given children new worlds to explore and they are now seen frequenting the terrace, which is great to watch. They have a competition here though, in the form of 'work from home' parents, who occupy terrace for their walking exercise or to practice yoga or other forms of exercise. The past two to three weeks see terraces getting busier owing to strict lock downs in Tamilnadu, which also has given terrace-frequenters the opportunity to socialize with those around them. Social distancing has become today's norm but it has made terrace socializing common and it is a welcome change as well. While talking about walking, it needs to be mentioned that Eight Walking can be considered a very effective way of walking thanks to the loads of benefits it has to offer.

Check this post for benefits of walking.

Check this post on how to make your outdoor walking interesting.

What is Eight Walking?

Eight Walking was practiced thousands of years ago in ancient Tamilnadu. Eight Walking is one of the many thousands of medicinal practices that Siddhars of ancient Tamilnadu left behind for future generations to use and enjoy healthy life. This type of walking is called Infinity Walking in the west.

Thank you Devi Hamsika

To put it simply, Eight Walking is nothing but walking in the shape of eight. However, there are rules to practice Eight Walking.

  • Eight should be drawn in north-south direction. The length should be around 12 to 16 feet and breadth should be around 6 to 8 feet respectively.
  • The practitioner should start walking from south towards north. Start from number 1 given in the image and walk to 2,3,4,5 and 6. Return to 1. Repeat the same for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, start from 1 and move towards 6, 5, 4,,3, 2 and return to 1. Repeat the same for 15 minutes.
  • Walk in moderate speed, neither too fast nor too slow.
  • Walking barefoot is highly recommended.
  • Practice Eight Walking on empty stomach. For best results walk daily, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Benefits of Eight Walking

The benefits of Eight Walking include:

  • Walking barefoot stimulates varma points on the feet thereby stimulating functions of internal organs
  • Relieves cold
  • Relieves respiratory conditions including asthma
  • Strengthens lungs
  • It is an effective yoga pose for heart health.
  • Energizes the whole body
  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves constipation
  • It helps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
  • Helps to maintain blood sugar levels
  • Relieves headaches including migraine
  • Boosts brain health
  • Improves eyesight
  • Improves hearing
  • Aids in reducing excess weight
  • Helps to relieve thyroid conditions
  • Relieves pain in all parts of the body
  • Strengthens joints; cures joint problems
  • Heals cracked feet
  • Relieves stones in gallbladder and kidney
  • Helps to cure kidney related conditions
  • Cures insomnia.
  • Promotes youthful appearance; postpones signs of ageing
  • Relieves mental stress; promotes calm


Pregnant women and those who had recently undergone surgery should refrain from practicing Eight Walking.

Avoid talking while practicing Eight Walking. Focus on your breath and walking throughout the practice.

Picture of இரமா தமிழரசு
Rama Thamizharasu

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