Chair Pose is the complete version of Half Chair Pose, which we covered yesterday. As mentioned earlier, 'utkata' in Sanskrit means 'intense' and 'powerful'. Practicing Chair Pose in its complete form will give you first hand experience of the meaning of the pose.
In Chair Pose, muladhara, svadhittana and manipura chakras are stimulated. Stimulation of base chakra, the muladhara, helps to promote optimum function of other chakras. Creativity and acceptance develop and focus improves with regular practice of the pose as we had earlier mentioned for Half Chair Pose. Since manipura chakra is also stimulated in Chair Pose, the benefits are immense. Self-confidence develops, your personality is defined, self-respect gets a boost and you gain the ability to work your way up with courage and determination despite negative influences from the outer world.
Other Benefits of Chair Pose
- It boosts immunity.
- Stretches the spine.
- Regular practice of the pose helps to strengthen the nervous system.
- Legs are stretched and strengthened.
- Strengthens lungs
- The pose improves balance.
- Hips are strengthened.
- It helps to reduce tummy fat.
- The pose helps to cure indigestion.
- It cures menstrual pain.
- It boosts joint flexibility and strengthens joints.
- It is an effective yoga pose for sciatic pain.
- Stand straight on the mat. Place your feet close to each other.
- Inhale as you lift your hands sideways. Now exhale.
- Inhale as you lift you lift your hands up and bring the palms together. Simultaneously, lower your hips towards the floor.
- With the knees together, lower your body till your butt gets closer to your heels. Do not lift your heels off the floor.
- Hold the pose for 20 seconds. To release the pose, straighten up and bring your hands to sides. You can increase the duration to one minute.
Those with low blood pressure, insomnia, severe spine conditions should refrain from practicing the pose. Those with hip pain and joint pain can perform the pose holding a chair for support.
Yoga Pose for Day 51 - Half Prayer Twist Pose (Ardha Namaskar Parsva Konasana)
In Sanskrit, 'ardha' means 'half', 'namaskar' means 'salutation', 'parsva' means 'side and 'kona' means 'angle'. This, in short, is Half Prayer Twist Pose.
Yoga Pose for Day 49 - Half Chair Pose / Half Squat pose (Ardha Utkatasana)
Starting today, we will work on standing yoga poses. The yoga pose for today is Half Chair Pose, which is called Ardha Utkatasana in Sanskrit.
Yoga Pose for Day 48 – Rest Pose (Savasana)
Today's Pose is called Savasana in Sanskrit. 'Sava' means 'corpse' in Sanskrit. Since the practitioner lies down on the mat sans movement, the pose is named thus. However, I prefer to call it Rest Pose.
2 responses
Feet can be six inch apart?
While sitting stomach squeezing ,so can we keep some gap between knee?
Breathing should be hold or release?Cant keep 20 seconds hold
Thanks for visiting the site. Basically, in Chair Pose you need to keep your feet close to each other. However, considering any discomfort that may arise, you can make minor adjustments. We would suggest that instead of squeezing your stomach, you can just go as low as possible without the need to squeeze your stomach. The ultimate goal is to assume a pose with perfection but to achieve the end, it is best to try the pose taking into account the limitations and performing to that extent without pushing hard. With practice, you will be able to master it.
Breathing should be normal. Maintain normal breathing while in any yoga pose.
Best wishes.