In an earlier post, we had written about Standing Backbend Bow Pose. Now, let us see how to do Bow Pose, which is a counter pose for Cow Pose. Practicing Bow Pose supports spine health and improves spine flexibility.
Other Benefits of Bow Pose
- Bow Pose strengthens lungs and cures respiratory conditions.
- It is an effective yoga pose for tummy fat.
- The pose improves functions of abdominal organs.
- It Improves digestion and relieves constipation.
- Bow Pose boosts immune function.
- It strengthens back muscles.
- It helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
- Regular practice of Bow Pose can help to straighten hunchback.
- The pose supports kidney function.
- Bow Pose is also effective in relieving physical and mental fatigue.
- Lie face down on the mat.
- Bend your legs and hold the ankles with your hands.
- Lift your legs off the floor. Simultaneously, lift your chest off the floor so you are balancing on your tummy. Now, your body resembles the shape of bow.
- Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Release the pose by placing the legs on the floor and returning to starting position.
In case of difficulty in lifting the legs off the floor, place a yoga block under the thighs for support.
Those with severe pain in neck, shoulders, back and wrist should refrain from practicing the pose. Those with hernia should also refrain from practicing the pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 18 – Cow Pose (Bitilasana)
Cow Pose is a counter pose to Cat Pose and also can be done as a sequence. ‘Bitila’ in Sanskrit means ‘cow’. The pose resembles the shape of a cow. Cat Cow Poses produce effective results when performed as a sequence. The bending and lifting of back improves spine flexibility and rejuvenates

Yoga Pose for Day 17 – Cat Pose (Marjariasana)
The Sanskrit term ‘marjari’ means ‘cat’. The pose resembles the relaxed stretching of a cat and hence the name. The pose, though simple, has immense benefits. Cat Pose balances the body and mind,

Yoga Pose for Day 16 – Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
Seated Forward Bend can be performed as a counter pose for both Cobra Pose and Sphinx Pose. ‘Paschima’ in Sanskrit means ‘west’ and ‘uttana’ means ‘intensive stretching’ - stretching the back of the body, that is bending the front part of the body in a seated position. In this pose, the backside of the body, in particular the spine, is stretched forward. This stimulates