Yoga Pose for Day 20 – Wind Relieving Pose (Pavana Mukthasana)
Wind Relieving Pose can be performed as a counter pose for Bow Pose. Ancient Siddhars have mentioned that there are 4448 diseases that can affect a human body.
Wind Relieving Pose can be performed as a counter pose for Bow Pose. Ancient Siddhars have mentioned that there are 4448 diseases that can affect a human body.
Turmeric has a special place in kitchen cabinet. Ever since the rise of corona, turmeric has become an even more sought after ingredient and a compulsory addition in almost everything that one consumes.
Bow Pose can be performed as a counter pose for Cow Pose. The pose is performed lying down. It strengthens the spine and improves spine flexibility.
Cow Pose is a counter pose to Cat Pose and also can be done as a sequence. ‘Bitila’ in Sanskrit means ‘cow’. The pose resembles the shape of a cow. Cat Cow Poses produce effective results when performed as a sequence. The bending and lifting of back improves spine flexibility and rejuvenates
The Sanskrit term ‘marjari’ means ‘cat’. The pose resembles the relaxed stretching of a cat and hence the name. The pose, though simple, has immense benefits. Cat Pose balances the body and mind,
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