Yoga Pose for Day 25 – Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana)
Janu’ in Sanskrit means ‘knee’, ‘sirasa’ means ‘head’, that is, placing the head on knee. Technically, it is one legged Seated Forward Bend.
Janu’ in Sanskrit means ‘knee’, ‘sirasa’ means ‘head’, that is, placing the head on knee. Technically, it is one legged Seated Forward Bend.
‘Vakra’ in Sanskrit means ‘twisted’. The pose is performed by twisting the spine in both ways. Hence, the flexibility of spine is increased and tightness is reduced. Twisting also strengthens the hips and improves function of digestive system.
In an earlier post, we have given the benefits of Thunderbolt Pose and instructions on how to perform it. Thunderbolt Pose, as mentioned earlier, strengthens your body. Supine Thunderbolt Pose is a supine pose in which your legs are as in Hero Pose. ‘Supta’ in Sanskrit means ‘supine’ and Supta Vajrasana is Lying Thunderbolt Pose.
The very name of the pose is suggestive of courage. Shivering of hands and legs and becoming anxious are associated with fear. The reaction would be anger followed by various other issues. All these are owing to the fact that we consider ourselves weak. Hero Pose makes you fearless and gives you a sense of courage.
The poses done so far are effective in strengthening certain parts of the body. High Plank Pose strengthens the whole body. High Plank Pose is called Kumbhakasana in Sanskrit. Though ‘kumbhaka’ is generally said to mean ‘breath retention’, it also means ‘pot’, which here refers to the human torso. This pose promotes flow of blood and life force
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