Benefits of Throat Chakra and Effective Ways to Unblock Your Throat Chakra
Throat Chakra is the fifth of eight major chakras in the human body. Throat Chakra is called as Visuddhi or Visudhdha in Sanskrit...
Throat Chakra is the fifth of eight major chakras in the human body. Throat Chakra is called as Visuddhi or Visudhdha in Sanskrit...
மனித உடலின் முக்கிய எட்டு சக்கரங்களில் (சக்கரங்கள் ஏழு அல்ல எட்டு பதிவைப் படிக்க, இந்தப் பக்கத்திற்குச் செல்லவும்) நான்காவதாக உள்ளது அனாகத சக்கரம். வடமொழியில் ‘அனாகத’ என்றால் ‘ஒலிக்கப்படாத’, என்று பொருள்; அதாவது, ஒலிக்கப்படாத
Solar Plexus Chakra is the third of eight major chakras in the human body. Solar Plexus Chakra is called as Manipura Chakra in Sanskrit. 'Manipura' means 'lustrous jewel'.
Sacral chakra is the second major chakra in the human body. It is called Svadhishthana in Sanskrit, which means 'one's own abode'. 'Sva' means 'one's own', 'adhisthana' means 'abode'. 'Svadh' also means 'to enjoy with pleasure'.
Muladhara chakra, called the Root Chakra in English is the foundation for optimal well-being. 'Mula' in Sanskrit means 'root' and 'adhara' means 'foundation', The properties of the chakra and its location give the chakra its name.
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