We have so far covered various information about each of the chakras starting from the first to the fifth chakra in separate posts. Now, we are going to cover the sixth and seventh chakras in a single post. There is a strong reason behind it. According to current texts, the location of Third Eye Chakra (which from now on, we will refer to as ajna chakra as it is not located in the Third Eye region) is the location of Guru Chakra according to Thirumanthiram authored by Thirumoolar few thousand years ago. According to Thirumanthiram, Ajna Chakra, which he calls Sakthi, is located slightly below Guru Chakra and hence we decided to cover these two chakras in a single post.
Table of Contents
Out of the eight major chakras in the human body, Ajna Chakra is the Sixth and Guru Chakra is the seventh chakra. (To read the post, Chakras are Eight, Not Seven, visit this page)). It is generally said that Ajna Chakra is at the center of eyebrows. But, according to Thirumoolar's Thirumanthiram, Ajna Chakra is located slightly below the eyebrow center and Guru Chakra is located in eyebrow center.
Called as Ajna Chakra, Pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain directly behind the bridge of the nose. Hypothalamus, the Guru Chakra is located slightly above pituitary gland and behind center of the eyebrows. (Though current day's texts claim that pituitary is governed by Ajna, the location they mention is the location of Guru Chakra, that is, the location of hypothalamus.
Thirumoolar has sung about Ajna Chakra in the 16-th verse of Thirumanthiram. He mentions Ajna as Sakthi.
கோது குலாவிய கொன்றைக் குழற்சடை
மாது குலாவிய வாள்நுதல் பாகனை
யாது குலாவி அமரருந் தேவருங்
கோது குலாவி குணம்பயில் வாரே.
In the above song, Thirumoolar talks about the chakras in the head. He mentions that pituitary, hypothalamus and pineal glands are below a region that resembles the shape of golden tree flower's stem (konrai poovin narambu in Tamil). The shape he refers to is corpus callosum. He also mentions that hypothalamus, the Guru Chakra governs pituitary, the Ajna Chakra.
(The meaning of the song is extracted from S.R. Thamizharasu's Thirumoolar Thirumanthiram - Thonmaiyin Meeteduppu - Kadavul Vaazhthu)
கடந்துநின் றான்கம லம்மல ராதி
கடந்துநின் றான்கடல் வண்ணன்எம் மாயன்
கடந்துநின் றான்அவர்க் கப்புறம் ஈசன்
கடந்துநின் றான் எங்கும் கண்டுநின் றானே.
(Thirumanthiram Verse 14)
In this verse, Thirumoolar mentions that hypothalamus, the Guru Chakra is located behind forehead. Hence, it is clear that Thirumoolar mentions that what today's texts say as the location of Ajna Chakra is actually the location of hypothalamus, the Guru Chakra.
(The meaning of the song is extracted from S.R. Thamizharasu's Thirumoolar Thirumanthiram - Thonmaiyin Meeteduppu - Kadavul Vaazhthu)
போற்றிஎன் பார்அம ரர்புனி தன்அடி
போற்றிஎன் பார்அசு ரர்புனி தன்அடி
போற்றிஎன் பார்மனி தர்புனி தன்அடி
போற்றிஎன் அன்புள் பொலியவைத் தேனே.
Thirumanthiram Verse 44
In the above verse, Thirumoolar explains that Ajna Chakra, that is the pituitary gland governs the chakras in the body and hypothalamus, the Guru Chakra governs Ajna Chakra.
(The meaning of the song is extracted from S.R. Thamizharasu's Thirumoolar Thirumanthiram - Thonmaiyin Meeteduppu - Kadavul Vaazhthu)
To sum up,
- Chakras are eight, not seven.
- Ajna Chakra is located in the brain behind the bridge of the nose.
- Guru Chakra is located slightly above Ajna Chakra in the brain.
- Pituitary gland is called the Ajna Chakra.
- Guru Chakra is hypothalamus.
- There are three glands in the head.
- Ajna Chakra controls the glands in the body.
- Guru Chakra controls Ajna Chakra.
Ajna Chakra
We have earlier seen that Ajna Chakra is located in the brain behind the bridge of the nose and that Pituitary gland is Ajna Chakra. Now, for more information on the chakra.
Properties of Ajna Chakra and its Associated Organs
Ajna Chakra, along with Guru Chakra governs various biological functions. Reproduction, child birth, breastmilk production, fertility are governed by Ajna Chakra. Ajna Chakra also influences the functioning of thyroid and adrenal glands.
The hormones secreted by pituitary gland helps with the functions of brain, immune system, kidney, skin and uterus. Hence, it is essential that Ajna Chakra is at its optimal best to ensure proper functioning of these important systems and organs.
Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Blocked Ajna Chakra
Given below are the signs of overactive and underactive Ajna Chakra.
Physical Symptoms
- Headache
- Poor memory
- Weight gain or weight loss
- Eye sight problems
- Constipation
- Frequent urination
- Low libido levels
- Infertility
- Growth problems
- Joint pain
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Skin conditions
- Dehydration
- Speech problems
Psychological Symptoms
- Anxiety
- Fear
- Anger
- Stress
- Lack of interest
- Social isolation
- Mood swings
- Irritation
- Lack of self-esteem
How to Unblock Ajna Chakra
- Yoga Poses to Stimulate Ajna Chakra
- Essential oils
- Self-affirmation
- Diet
- Common rules
Yoga Poses to Stimulate Ajna Chakra
Perform the below-mentioned yoga poses to unblock Ajna Chakra:
3) Dolphin Pose
5) Camel Pose
6) Child Pose
9) Fish Pose
10) Headstand
Essential Oils to Stimulate Ajna Chakra
You can use one of the below-mentioned essential oils for unblocking and activating your Ajna Chakra.
- Frankincense essential oil
- Sandalwood essential oil
- Vetiver essential oil
Dilute essential oil by adding carrier oil to it and using a diffuser let the aroma spread in your room. You can also massage the blend of essential oil and carrier oil on the location of Ajna Chakra or on your feet.
Self-affirmations have amazing benefits. Repeating self-affirmations for Ajna Chakra can have an amazing impact on your physical and psychological well-being.
Self-affirmations to Stimulate Ajna Chakra
- My Ajna Chakra functions well
- I am very active
- My mind is filled with calmness
- I speak with clarity and conviction
- I recognize my skills
- I maintain healthy relationship with those around me
You can create your own self-affirmations. We will have a detailed post on this in the coming days.
Food for Ajna Chakra
Include at least one of the below-mentioned foods in your diet for optimal functioning of Ajna Chakra:
- Greens
- Grains
- Nuts including almond and walnut
- Lentils
- Egg
- Fish
- Meat
Common Rules to Activate Ajna Chakra
Ajna Chakra can be activated by following the simple suggestions given below:
- Perform yoga and other exercises regularly.
- Engage in activities that calm your mind.
- Develop social relationships.
- Follow proper food habits and perform exercises to maintain healthy weight.
- The importance of quality sleep can never be stressed more. Turn off your computer and mobile at least an hour before you hit the bed. Have your dinner three hours before sleep.
- Perform Ajna Chakra meditation.
Guru Chakra
Guru Chakra is the seventh out of the eight major chakras in the human body, It is located in the brain behind eyebrow center - the area where it is generally believed to be the location of Ajna Chakra. Guru Chakra is located slightly above Ajna Chakra, which is located in the brain behind the bridge of the nose.
Properties of Guru Chakra and its Associated Organs
Guru Chakra controls the functions of Ajna Chakra, which is considered the master gland of chakras in the body. This goes to show the importance of Guru Chakra in body-mind functioning.
Guru Chakra controls the autonomic nervous system. Body temperature, heart beat, blood pressure, thirst, hunger, digestion, sleep-wake cycles, body weight, libido, pain, behavior and emotions are governed by Guru Chakra. Hypthalamus, that is, the Guru Chakra also governs brain related activities including learning and memory.
Based on needs, Guru Chakra stimulates and inhibits secretion of various hormones. It controls metabolism and immune system through Ajna Chakra.
Guru Chakra governs emotions including happiness, laughter, anger and aversion. It signals Sacral Chakra to choose between fight or flight reaction to a situation. Intelligence, intuition and noble thoughts are all signs of proper functioning of Guru Chakra.
Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Blocked Guru Chakra
Mentioned below are the signs of overactive and underactive Guru Chakra:
Physical Symptoms
- Hunger related disorders
- Fluctuations in body temperature
- Insomnia
- Headache
- Vision problems
- Low libido levels
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Excessive weight or weight loss
- Excessive thirst and frequent urination
- Diarrhea
- Irregular blood pressure levels
- Stunted growth
- Lactation insufficiency
- Pituitary and adrenal disorders
- Heat sensitivity
- Infertility
Psychological Symptoms
- Excessive anger
- Excessive irritation
- Very loud laughter, uncontrollable laughter
- Anxiety
- Overly critical
- Lack of creativity
- Mood swings
- Lack of interest
- Lack of focus
- Poor memory
How to Unblock Guru Chakra
- Yoga Poses to Stimulate Guru Chakra
- Essential oils
- Self-affirmation
- Diet
- Common rules
Yoga Poses to Stimulate Guru Chakra
Perform the below-mentioned yoga poses to unblock Guru Chakra:
1) Tree Pose
2) Gate Pose
3) Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold
4) Downward Facing Pigeon Pose
5) One-Legged King Pigeon Pose
10) Fish Pose
12) Half Headstand
13) Headstand
Essential Oils to Stimulate Guru Chakra
You can use one of the below-mentioned essential oils for unblocking and activating your Guru Chakra.
- Clary Sage essential oil
- Cypress essential oil
- Frankincense essential oil
- Juniper essential oil
- Lavender essential oil
- Marjoram essential oil
- Myrrh essential oil
- Rosemary essential oil
- Sandalwood essential oil
- Vetiver essential oil
Dilute essential oil by adding carrier oil to it and using a diffuser let the aroma spread in your room. You can also massage the blend of essential oil and carrier oil on the location of Guru Chakra or on your feet.
Self-affirmations are very powerful. Repeating self-affirmations for Guru Chakra will produce amazing benefits.
Self-affirmations to Stimulate Guru Chakra
- My Guru Chakra functions well.
- My mind is filled with calmness.
- I possess high levels of intelligence.
- I possess intuition skills.
- I strongly believe that my intuition will guide me on the right path.
- I am associated with Universal Energy.
- I possess an amazing memory power.
- I have high levels of comprehension skills.
You can create your own self-affirmations. We will have a detailed post on this in the coming days.
Foods to Stimulate Guru Chakra
Include at least one of the below-mentioned foods in your diet for optimal functioning of Guru Chakra:
- Greens
- All types of vegetables
- All types of fruits
- Nuts
- Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds
- Green tea
- Fish
Common Rules to Activate Guru Chakra
Guru Chakra can be activated by following the simple suggestions given below:
- Perform yoga, breathing techniques and meditation that fill your mind with calmness.
- Have balanced diet.
- Ensure quality sleep at night.
- Perform Guru Chakra meditation.
- Avoid being overly critical of others.
- Learn new arts. It will help to improve your creativity and imagination skills.

Rama Thamizharasu
Welcome to yogaaatral. I am a yoga therapist, SEO consultant, writer and translator. If you love pets, we invite you to visit our pet blog @ https://voiceofapet.blogspot.com/ and our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@PetsDiaryPages. We also welcome you to visit our YouTube channel on nature conservatism @ https://www.youtube.com/@letnaturelive1

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மனித உடலின் முக்கிய எட்டு சக்கரங்களில் (சக்கரங்கள் ஏழு அல்ல எட்டு பதிவைப் படிக்க, இந்தப் பக்கத்திற்குச் செல்லவும்) நான்காவதாக உள்ளது அனாகத சக்கரம். வடமொழியில் ‘அனாகத’ என்றால் ‘ஒலிக்கப்படாத’, என்று பொருள்; அதாவது, ஒலிக்கப்படாத