Yoga Pose for Day 44 – Garland Pose (Malasana / Namaskarasana)

The terms ‘mala’ in Sanskrit means ‘garland’ and ‘namaskara’ means ‘greeting’. Since the body is in the shape of garland while in the pose it is called Garland Pose. The pose is also called Squat Pose.

Garland Pose stretches the body from the lower back to feet. It is an effective posture for promoting focus and for meditating. The pose calms the mind.

Garland Pose benefits

Other Benefits of Garland Pose
  • The pose strengthens hips and improves hip flexibility.
  • It stimulates functions of abdominal organs..
  • Thighs get strengthened with regular practice of the pose.
  • The pose aids in easy child birth.
  • It boosts blood circulation to hips and lower abdomen.
  • It helps to eliminate waste.
  • Assume Mountain Pose.
  • Keep your legs two feet apart from each other.
  • Go on squat.
  • Move your thighs away so the space between your thighs is more than shoulder-width.
  • Bring your torso slightly forward.
  • Fold your hands and bring your palms together as in greeting. The upper arms should be pressing against the inner thighs and the feet should be on the floor.
  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds. You can gradually increase the duration to two minutes.

In case of difficulty in placing the feet on the floor, place a blanket under the feet.

Though the pose is highly beneficial for pregnant women, it should be performed against a wall or by holding a solid object in front.

Those with chronic low back pain, hip pain and joint pain should refrain from practicing the pose.


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