Yoga Pose for Day 7 – Upward Salutation Pose (Urdhva Namaskarasana)

As we had mentioned earlier, we will now come up with counter yoga poses for poses we had earlier written about. The counter pose for Standing Forward Bend is Upward Salutation Pose, which is performed by lifting of hands upwards while bending backwards. In forward bends, the front side of the hip is locked as blood circulation increases at the back body. In a backbend, the back side of the hip gets locked and the front part of the hips, along with abdomen, legs and head gain increased blood circulation.

Regular practice of the pose strengthens weak legs and aids in standing comfortably without support. The pose stimulates functions of spleen, liver and kidneys. Balance is improved.

<emTo learn about Standing Forward Bend benefits and instructions on how to perform the pose, visit this page.

Upward Salutation Pose

Other Benefits of Upward Salutation Pose

As mentioned above, the pose stimulates functions of abdominal organs, strengthens shoulder and legs. Other benefits include:

  • Upward Salutation Pose relieves respiratory conditions.
  • The pose cures digestive disorders.
  • It is an effective yoga pose for back pain.
  • Upward Salutation Pose stretches abdominal muscles.
  • Practicing the pose helps to relieve fatigue and also it energizes the body.
  • Performing the pose helps to prepare the body for tougher backbends.
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Let us see how to do Upward Salutation Pose.

  • Assume Mountain Pose.
  • Lift your hands over your head without bending the elbows with the palms facing each other.
  • Inhale and bend backwards with the arms stretched.
  • The upper arms should be close to the ears.
  • Hold the pose for 20 seconds. Exhale and release the pose.

Bend as much as your body allows. The pose can also be performed keeping the palms together over your head.

Those with severe neck and shoulder conditions should refrain from practicing the pose.

Half Wheel Pose

Yoga Pose for Day 8 – Half-Wheel Pose (Ardha Chakrasana)

Half Wheel Pose is a simple backbend pose, which also serves as a counter pose to Big Toe Pose. This is called Ardha Chakrasana in Sanskrit. The stretching of hamstrings when you perform a forward bend is relaxed while practicing Half-Wheel Pose. The pose also stretches the muscles on the front sides of the legs,

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