Hair loss is becoming an increasing concern in recent decades among global population. Various studies have proved that there is an increase in baldness in younger generation. It is also evident from researches that both men and women suffer from heavy hair fall in recent years. Out of the many home remedies for hair fall, yoga has been proven to be effective method to treat hair loss naturally at home. Here are the 7 best yoga poses for hair growth.
Hair Loss Causes
Losing anywhere between 50 to 100 hair is quite natural. However, if hair fall causes thinning of hair, it is considered hair loss.
Reasons for hair loss include:
- Lack of nutrition
- Hormonal imbalance including thyroid conditions
- Genetics
- Scalp infections
- Autoimmune disorders
- Stress
- Certain medications and treatment
How is Yoga Effective for Hair Growth?
Practicing yoga helps to treat hair loss naturally and promote hair growth/
Yoga poses address most of the causes that cause hair fall. Thus it prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth.
Regular practice of yoga cures hormonal imbalances.
Various studies have proved the efficacy of yoga in treating autoimmune disorders.
Certain yoga poses promote blood flow to scalp and aid in hair growth.
Yoga poses relieves stress and promotes mental calmness. According to a study, yoga practice is effective in treating hair loss due to stress.
Visit this page for the 15 Best Yoga Poses for Stress Relief.
Yoga Poses for Hair Growth
Here are the most effective yoga poses that cure hair fall naturally and promote hair growth.
1) Standing Forward Bend
Visit this page for Standing Forward Bend pose benefits and instructions. This is one of the most effective yoga pose for hair loss.
2) Downward Facing Dog Pose
Downward Facing Dog Pose promotes blood flow to head and is also an effective yoga pose for stress relief. Visit this page for the instructions on how to do Downward Facing Dog Pose and its benefits.
3) Thunderbolt Pose
Indigestion can negatively impact absorption of nutrients which may result in hair loss. Practicing Thunderbolt Pose treats indigestion thereby aiding in preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. Visit this page for Thunderbolt Pose benefits and instructions on how to perform the pose.
4) Child Pose
Visit this page for Child Pose benefits and instructions on how to perform the pose.
5) Shoulder Stand
Visit this page to know more about benefits of Shoulder Stand, the pose which is rightly considered the Queen of Yoga poses.
6) Fish Pose
Fish Pose is one of the most effective yoga poses to treat hair fall naturally. Visit this page for the benefits of Fish Pose and instructions on how to perform the asana.
7) Legs Up the Wall Pose
Visit this page for Legs Up the Wall Pose benefits and instructions.
Performing the above-mentioned yoga poses regularly along with having a nutritious diet will help you to experience results quicker.

Rama Thamizharasu
Welcome to yogaaatral. I am a yoga therapist, SEO consultant, writer and translator. If you love pets, we invite you to visit our pet blog @ and our YouTube Channel We also welcome you to visit our YouTube channel on nature conservatism @

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