Blessed are those who get relieved from headache with a cup of coffee or two hours of sleep or may be after a breath of fresh air. Naturally, they are in enviable position in the eyes of migraine sufferers. More enviable are those with no history of headache. Really!!! According to a research, migraine ranks third in the list of most common health conditions in the world.
Migraine, sinus headache, cluster headache and tension headache are the most common types of headaches. Today's post will be about yoga poses for headaches including migraine.
What Causes Headache Including Migraine
Some of the causes of headache include:
- Hormonal conditions
- Chemical changes in brain
- Central nervous system disorder
- Family history of migraine
Headache Triggers
Those with chronic headache may ask "What doesn't?". Triggers can vary from person to person. Here are the general symptoms:
- Indigestion
- Unhealthy food habits
- Insomnia
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Hormonal changes
- Physical exertion
- Poor ventilation
- Certain beverages
- Sensory triggers including strong smell, sound and light
- Anger
- Stress
How Does Yoga Relieve Headache?
Yoga helps to relieve most of the headache triggers. Regular practice of yoga poses for headache helps to relieve indigestion, neck and shoulder pain and hormonal imbalances, which can trigger headache. Yoga helps with anger management and stress as well.
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Yoga Poses for Headaches including Migraine
Given below are simple yoga poses for migraine and other types of headache:
1) Lotus Pose
Lotus Pose relieves stress and hence helps to prevent stress-induced headaches. Lotus Pose is considered one of the best yoga poses for meditation. If stress is your trigger, you may also want to consider enrolling in yoga retreats for stress relief.
Visit this page for Lotus Pose benefits and instructions.
2) Standing Forward Bend
Standing Forward Bend relieves neck and shoulder pain thereby helping to prevent headache caused by these conditions.
Visit this page for Standing Forward Bend benefits and instructions.
3) Big Toe Pose
Big Toe Pose strengthens neck muscles, relieves digestive disorders and insomnia.
Visit this page for Big Toe Pose benefits and instructions.
4) Triangle Pose
Since Triangle Pose strengthens neck and shoulders, it is effective in relieving and preventing headache caused due to these conditions. Those who find it difficult to practice Triangle Pose can perform Half Triangle Pose. Or, they can use yoga blocks to perform Triangle Pose. Yoga accessories including yoga blocks can be purchased from online stores.
Visit this page for Triangle Pose benefits and instructions.
Visit this page for Half Triangle Pose benefits and instructions.
5) Downward Facing Dog Pose
Downward Facing Dog Pose strengthens digestion and also aids in relieving stress. Hence, it is effective for headache s due to indigestion and stress.
Visit this page for Downward Facing Dog Pose benefits and instructions.
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6) Thunderbolt Pose
Thunderbolt Pose relieves constipation and strengthens digestion and hence is effective in curing and preventing headache induced to these conditions. Thunderbolt Pose is also an effective yoga pose for meditation.
Visit this page for Thunderbolt Pose benefits and instructions.
7) Child Pose
Child Pose is one of the most effective yoga poses for headache. The pose relieves constipation, improves digestion, promotes sleep and relieves stress.
Visit this page for Child Pose benefits and instructions.
8) Cobra Pose
Cobra Pose relieves neck and shoulder pain. It also helps to relieve stress thereby aiding in curing headaches caused due to these conditions.
Visit this page for Cobra Pose benefits and instructions.
9) Seated Forward Bend
Seated Forward Bend relieves headache caused due to neck pain and indigestion.
Visit this page for Seated Forward Bend benefits and instructions.
10) Bridge Pose
Bridge Pose relieves indigestion, insomnia and is also effective for stress.
Visit this page for Bridge Pose benefits and instructions.
11) Four Footed Pose
Four Footed Pose relieves indigestion, insomnia and stress thereby aiding in treating and preventing headaches caused due to these conditions.
Visit this page for Four Footed Pose benefits and instructions.
12) Shoulder Stand
Shoulder Stand, the Queen of all yoga poses, is one of the best yoga poses for headache. The pose strengthens the neck and shoulders, relieves insomnia and stress. Regular practice of this pose helps to be relieved from headache caused due to these conditions.
Visit this page for Shoulder Stand benefits and instructions.
13) Plough Pose
Plough Pose improves functions of abdominal organs; relieves insomnia and stress. It also aids in detoxification. Regular practice of Plough Pose relieves headache caused due to these conditions.
Visit this page for Plough Pose benefits and instructions.
14) Legs Up the Wall Pose
Legs Up the Wall Pose relieves indigestion, neck pain, insomnia and stress.
Visit this page for Legs Up the Wall Pose benefits and instructions.
15) Rest Pose
Rest Pose relaxes the body, cures insomnia and calms the mind thereby relieving headache caused due to these conditions.
Visit this page for Rest Pose benefits and instructions.
Practice the above-mentioned yoga poses for headache regularly to prevent headaches in future. You may also look for yoga studios nearby for support in your yoga practice.
Check here for the most effective mudras for headaches including migraines.

Rama Thamizharasu
Welcome to yogaaatral. I am a yoga therapist, SEO consultant, writer and translator. If you love pets, we invite you to visit our pet blog @ and our YouTube Channel We also welcome you to visit our YouTube channel on nature conservatism @

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