Every birthday can bring in loads of memories and along with it can make the mind list all past accomplishments, abandoned efforts and a lengthy to-do-list. Blessed are children as they don't complicate their minds with overflowing thoughts; their lives are simple and they demand nothing but to let them be what they are. Children's birthday celebrations can be great fun to watch and before you know you will feel as young as they are.
Well, we may not indulge in birthday celebrations the way children do. Still, it is on us to reject the signs that come as a package with ageing and instead opt for healthy ageing. Growing in age is a natural process but we can choose how to age. As with every other thing regarding health, yoga shows the way. Here are the best 14 yoga poses for anti-ageing.
How Does Yoga Help With Anti-Ageing?
Ageing is a natural biological process, agreed. However, practicing yoga can help to postpone signs of ageing.
- You are only as healthy as your spine; yoga promotes spine health and keeps you healthy as you age. Yoga helps to maintain spine flexibility and hence helps to prevent tightness one experiences with ageing.
- Yoga supports healthy functioning of internal organs. Constipation and indigestion are commonly experienced with ageing. Practicing yoga stimulates functions of internal organs thereby preventing digestive conditions.
- Ageing can affect balance. Yoga poses promote balance, which can help in preventing falls experienced by people as they age.
- Yoga strengthens joints and promotes joint flexibility.
- Yoga boosts memory power. Ageing can negatively impact memory. By practicing yoga poses regularly one can enjoy healthy memory.
- Though depression is now becoming common in youth, ageing can cause depression in most. Practicing yoga calms the mind and relieves depression.
Above all, performing yoga and other forms of exercises can keep the mind healthy. Healthy mind keeps the body healthy.
14 Best Yoga Poses for Anti-Ageing
Here are the most effective yoga poses for youthful life:
1) Tree Pose
Visit this page for Tree Pose benefits and instructions on how to do Tree Pose.
2) Standing Forward Bend
Visit this page for Standing Forward Bend Pose benefits and instructions on how to do Standing Forward Bend.
3) Chair Pose
Visit this page for instructions on how to do Chair Pose and its benefits.
Practicing the above-mentioned yoga poses can help you age gracefully. After all, age is just a number, right?
Lengthy P.S.: The most important don'ts as you age:
1) Don't ever make yourself believe, "Well, now that I'm getting older, it is quite natural to have diabetes and irregular blood pressure levels". Getting older does not necessarily mean that you should experience unhealthy changes in your glucose and blood pressure levels.
2) If you are the type that thinks, "I am old; hence it is best to reduce my workload", think again. Never quit doing anything unless you are physically experiencing difficulty in performing the task. The more you keep yourself physically active, higher are the chances to stay youthful and healthy.
3) Never ever base your decision on how you dress as you age on what others might think. Your wardrobe is not designed to fit others' opinions but to boost your self-confidence.
4) Set yourself goals to learn new arts. A mind that learns new skills is energetic and youthful. It is also recommended to choose an art that involves physical movements.

Rama Thamizharasu
Welcome to yogaaatral. I am a yoga therapist, SEO consultant, writer and translator. If you love pets, we invite you to visit our pet blog @ https://voiceofapet.blogspot.com/ and our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@PetsDiaryPages. We also welcome you to visit our YouTube channel on nature conservatism @ https://www.youtube.com/@letnaturelive1