10 Minute Yoga Routine - 3

Seated Forward Bend

The aim of 10-Minute Yoga Routine is to draw practitioners who are short of time to the yoga mat to promote physical and psychological health. Today's post is the third of the series of 10 Minute Yoga Routine.

Visit this page to check the post on 10-Minute Yoga Routine - 1.

Visit this page to check the post on 10 Minute Yoga Routine - 2.

10 Minute Yoga Routine - 3

Most of the yoga poses mentioned in this post help to strengthen legs and joints.

1) Lotus Pose / Half Lotus Pose / Easy Pose

(1 minute)

Visit this page for Lotus Pose benefits and instructions.

2) Staff Pose 

(1 minute)

Check this page for Staff Pose benefits and instructions. 

3) Twisted Pose

(30 seconds x 2 - Once each on right and left side)

Visit this page for Twisted Pose benefits and instructions.

4) Thunderbolt Pose

(1 minute)

Visit this page for Thunderbolt Pose benefits and instructions.

5) Child Pose

(30 seconds)

Check this post for Child Pose benefits and instructions.

6) Bound Angle Pose

(30 seconds)

Visit this page for Bound Angle Pose benefits and instructions on how to do Bound Angle Pose.

7) Head to Knee Pose

(20 seconds x 2 - Once each on right and left side)

Visit this page for Head to Knee Pose benefits and instructions.

8) Seated Forward Bend

(20 seconds x 2 - Once each on right and left side)

Visit this page for Seated Forward Bend benefits and instructions.

9) Rest Pose / Savasana

(2 minutes)

As we have always mentioned, performing Rest Pose at the end of yoga session is very important. For a 10-minute yoga session, assume Savasana for at least two minutes.

Visit this page for Savasana benefits and instructions. 

Picture of இரமா தமிழரசு
Rama Thamizharasu

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