A yoga pose gets complete when you perform a counter pose. A forward bend is followed with a backward bend to optimize the benefits to hips. The poses performed so far are forward bends. Now, we will see the counter poses for the first five forward bends.
The first standing posture we are about to see is Mountain Pose. This is counter pose for Lotus Pose. In Lotus Pose, the legs are crossed and blood circulation to head increases. Performing Mountain Pose after Lotus Pose enables flow of blood to legs.
Mountain Pose is called Tadasana in Sanskrit. ‘Tada’ means ‘mountain’. In this pose, blood flow to legs is increased thereby enabling smooth flow of blood throughout the body.
Visit this page for Lotus Pose benefits and instructions on how to do Lotus Pose.
Benefits of Mountain Pose
- Mountain Pose helps to maintain the balance of the body
- It improves posture
- It is an effective yoga pose for sciatic pain
- The pose strengthens the legs
- The pose helps to reduce arthritic pain
- It improves focus.
- It promotes calm
Let us see how to do Mountain Pose.
- Stand straight with your feet close to each other.
- Let the hands be slightly away from the body on the sides. Keep your fingers stretched. Alternately, you can bring your hands over your heads, bring the palms together keeping the elbows straight.
- The weight of the body should be evenly distributed in your feet.
- Relax your body and face. Keep your tongue relaxed as well.
- Relax your eyes and look straight.
- Visualize flow of energy throughout your body.
- Perform the pose for 20 seconds to begin with and gradually increase the duration to hold the pose for one minute.
- Breathe normally.
- Release the pose and return to normal standing position.
Those with headache, low blood pressure and insomnia should refrain from practicing the pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 8 – Half-Wheel Pose (Ardha Chakrasana)
Half Wheel Pose is a simple backbend pose, which also serves as a counter pose to Big Toe Pose. This is called Ardha Chakrasana in Sanskrit. The stretching of hamstrings when you perform a forward bend is relaxed while practicing Half-Wheel Pose. The pose also stretches the muscles on the front sides of the legs,

Yoga Pose for Day 7 – Upward Salutation Pose (Urdhva Namaskarasana)
Upward Salutation Pose is a counter pose for Standing Forward Bend Pose. The term ‘Urdhva’ means ‘upward’, ‘namaskara’ means ‘salutation’. This pose is performed by lifting of hands upwards while bending backwards. In forward bends, the front side of the hip is locked as blood circulation increases at the back body. In a backbend,

Yoga Pose for Day 5 – Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)
Out of the forward bending poses we have seen so far, Wide-Legged Forward Bend is slightly different. Sanskrit terms ‘Prasarita’ means ‘extending outwards’, ‘pada’ means ‘foot’, ‘ut’ means ‘energy’ and ‘tan’ means ‘extending’. Hence, the pose is termed Wide-Legged Forward Bend.