‘Parvata’ in Sanskrit means ‘mountain’. It is believed to have acquired the name as the body resembles the shape of mountain while in the pose. Downward Facing Dog Pose is also called Parvatasana. The spine gets strengthened and stable and the body gets stronger with regular practice of Seated Mountain Pose.
Other Benefits of Seated Mountain Pose
- It boosts lung health.
- It stimulates functions of digestive system.
- The pose promotes blood circulation.
- It strengthens back muscles.
- Regular practice of the pose helps to strengthen hips.
- It is also effective for strengthening legs.
- Regular practice of the pose helps to improve focus.
- Seated Mountain Pose promotes calm.
- Assume Lotus Pose.
- Inhale as you lift your hands sideways.
- With exhalation, lift your arms over your head.
- Bring the palms together without bending the elbows. Your upper arms should be close to your ears.
- Look straight.
- Hold the pose for 20 seconds.
In case of difficulty in sitting in Lotus Pose, you can sit in Half Lotus Pose or Easy Pose while performing Seated Mountain Pose. Lift your hands as much as possible. Those with chronic back conditions and severe shoulder pain should refrain from practicing the pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 30 – Psychic Union Pose (Yogamudrasana)
Yogamudra is the practice of mudra while in asana. Psychic Union Pose as Yogamudra is called in English, regulates flow of psychic energy. It also acts as a channel to communicate the activities of the brain that correspond with outer organs to respective organs.

Yoga Pose for Day 28 – Reverse Table Top Pose (Ardha Purvottanasana)
Reverse Table Top Pose is called Ardha Purvottanasana in Sanskrit. ‘Ardha’ means ‘half, ‘purva’ means ‘east’, ‘uth’ means ‘intense’ and ‘taan’ means ‘to stretch’. That is, intense stretch of east side.

Yoga Pose for Day 27 – Staff Pose (Dandasana)
A very simple pose to look at, Staff Pose is an excellent pose for strengthening the back. ‘Dandu’ in Sanskrit means ‘staff’ and ‘spine’. Staff Pose stretches the spine and also aids in proper breathing. The pose helps to focus on the flow of prana throughout the body.