‘Ardha’ in Sanskrit means ‘half’, ‘matsya’ means ‘fish’, ‘indira’ means ‘king’ and hence, the pose is called Half Lord of the Fishes Pose and also is referred to as Half Spinal Twist named after the twist involved in the pose. It is also believed that the pose is named after a yogi called Matsyendrar.
In Half Spinal Twist the spine is twisted well and hence flexibility of spine improves. The pose rejuvenates the spine and optimizes its performance.
Other Benefits of Half Spinal Twist
- It strengthens back muscles.
- The pose relieves back pain.
- The pose strengthens the nerves.
- It is an effective yoga pose for tummy fat.
- The pose improves hip flexibility.
- It is also an effective yoga pose for menstrual disorders.
- Sit down on the yoga mat with your legs stretched straight.
- Bend your left leg and place the left foot on the outside of your right thigh.
- Fold your right leg and place the right foot on the floor closer to your left buttock.
- Turn the upper part of the body towards your left, slide your left hand behind your back to your right and hold the ankle of your left leg.. Or place your left hand few inches away from your left buttock.
- Bring your right hand over your left knee and place your palm on the right knee.
- Turn your head behind so your chin is above your left shoulder.
- Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Repeat the same switching the legs.
Those with spinal conditions, severe pain in the back and hips should refrain from practicing the pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 27 – Staff Pose (Dandasana)
A very simple pose to look at, Staff Pose is an excellent pose for strengthening the back. ‘Dandu’ in Sanskrit means ‘staff’ and ‘spine’. Staff Pose stretches the spine and also aids in proper breathing. The pose helps to focus on the flow of prana throughout the body.

Yoga Pose for Day 25 – Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana)
Janu’ in Sanskrit means ‘knee’, ‘sirasa’ means ‘head’, that is, placing the head on knee. Technically, it is one legged Seated Forward Bend.

Yoga Pose for Day 24 – Twisted Pose (Vakrasana)
‘Vakra’ in Sanskrit means ‘twisted’. The pose is performed by twisting the spine in both ways. Hence, the flexibility of spine is increased and tightness is reduced. Twisting also strengthens the hips and improves function of digestive system.