‘Janu’ in Sanskrit means ‘knee’, ‘sirasa’ means ‘head’, that is, placing the head on knee. Technically, it is one legged Seated Forward Bend. This pose provides all the benefits of Seated Forward Bend. Particularly, when one leg is folded and the forehead is placed on the other stretched leg, the core of the body is pressed promoting the functions of digestive organs. The pose promotes absorption of nutrients. Sciatic nerve gets stretched and flexibility of the same improves.
Other Benefits of Head to Knee Pose
- The pose strengthens the spine.
- It strengthens back muscles.
- The pose boosts function of abdominal organs.
- It is an effective yoga pose for stress relief.
- Sit down on the yoga mat with your legs stretched straight.
- Bend the right leg and place the right foot closer to the left thigh.
- Inhale as you stretch your arms sideways.
- Exhale as you bend forward and hold the left foot or the left toes with your hands. Place your forehead on the stretched leg. Your stomach should be on your left thigh.
- Hold the pose for 20 seconds. Repeat the same switching the legs.
If reaching for the toes is difficult, hold the part of the leg that you can comfortably reach.
Those with knee pain can place a blanket under the knee while on the pose. Alternately, yoga block or yoga strap can be used for support.
Those with severe pain in knees and back should refrain from practicing the pose.

Yoga Pose for Day 26 – Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
‘Ardha’ in Sanskrit means ‘half’, ‘matsya’ means ‘fish’, ‘indira’ means ‘king’ and hence, the pose is called Half Lord of the Fishes Pose and also is referred to as Half Spinal Twist named after the twist involved in the pose. It is also believed that the pose is named after a yogi called Matsyendrar.

Yoga Pose for Day 24 – Twisted Pose (Vakrasana)
‘Vakra’ in Sanskrit means ‘twisted’. The pose is performed by twisting the spine in both ways. Hence, the flexibility of spine is increased and tightness is reduced. Twisting also strengthens the hips and improves function of digestive system.

Yoga Pose for Day 23 – Supine Thunderbolt Pose (Supta Vajrasana)
In an earlier post, we have given the benefits of Thunderbolt Pose and instructions on how to perform it. Thunderbolt Pose, as mentioned earlier, strengthens your body. Supine Thunderbolt Pose is a supine pose in which your legs are as in Hero Pose. ‘Supta’ in Sanskrit means ‘supine’ and Supta Vajrasana is Lying Thunderbolt Pose.