Thunderbolt Pose is yet another seated yoga pose that offers amazing benefits and ranks along with Lotus Pose as one of the best meditation poses. ‘Vajra’ means ‘diamond ‘ and since the pose makes the body as strong as diamond, it is named thus. However, there is more to it than meets the eye.
‘Vajjiram’ means the core of the tree. When the tree is felled, it is very difficult to cut the core of the tree. This area holds the complete dimension of the tree. Just like the tree’s core, human’s core consists of stomach, spleen and intestines. A person is only as healthy as his or her core. The food you eat is digested, nutrients are transported by the circulatory system, pancreas gets stimulated to secrete insulin and solid waste is eliminated, all in the core of the body.
The core of the body is strengthened by Thunderbolt Pose. This is the only posture other than Rest Pose that can be performed after consumption of food. Performing Thunderbolt Pose after food helps with digestion. By strengthening the core and functions of abdominal organs, Thunderbolt Pose keeps the body strong.
Visit this page for Downward Facing Dog Pose benefits and instructions.
Other Benefits of Thunderbolt Pose
As mentioned above, Thunderbolt Pose promotes function of abdominal organs. Since the abdominal region gets healthy blood supply, abdominal organs function at their best. Other benefits include:
- Thunderbolt Pose is an effective yoga pose for acidity.
- It is an effective yoga pose for constipation.
- Practicing the pose helps to stretch the legs from thighs to feet thereby improving flexibility of legs.
- It is one of the most effective yoga poses for sciatic conditions.
- Thunderbolt Pose improves posture.
- It improves focus and hence it is considered an excellent pose for meditation and breathing exercises.
Let us see how to do Thunderbolt Pose.
- Go down on your knees.
- Place your thighs close to each other. Bring the big toes in contact and keep the heels apart so your feet looks like the alphabet ‘v’.
- Sit down on the space between your heels.
- Place your palms on your knees. You can also perform chin mudra.
- Start with 20 to 30 seconds and with practice increase the duration so you can stay on the pose throughout your pranayama practice or meditation.
In case of difficulty in sitting between the heels, you can place a blanket or yoga block under your feet and perform the pose.
Those with severe problems in legs, knees or ankles and those with hernia should avoid practicing the pose. Though this pose is highly effective for ulcer it is recommended to practice the pose under able guidance in case you are experiencing ulcer.
Counter Pose: Downward Facing Dog Pose

Yoga Pose for Day 13 – Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Cobra Pose can be performed as a counter pose for Downward Facing Dog Pose. Cobra Pose is called as Bhujangasana in Sanskrit. ‘Bhujanga’ in Sanskrit means ‘snake’.

Yoga Pose for Day 12 – Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
A counter pose for Thunderbolt Pose, Downward Facing Dog Pose is one of the best poses for digestion.

Yoga Pose for Day 10 - Standing Bow Pose
Standing Backbend Bow Pose, which can be performed as a counter pose to Wide-Legged Forward Bend ‘Nindra’ in Sanskrit means ‘standing’ and ‘dhanur’ means ‘bow’. Bow Pose can be performed in prone state or in standing state. The pose offers amazing benefits.